Software Starter Guide

Printing Images
One Photo per Page Print
1 Click [Print] in ZoomBrowser EX's Main Window, followed by [One Photo Per Page
Movies cannot be printed, but with Windows Vista and Windows XP you can
print stills after they have been extracted from movies and saved to files.
To use the Index Print option, click [Print] in the Main Window, followed by
[Index Print].
If you have installed the Easy-
PhotoPrint program that
accompanied a Canon-brand
printer, you will proceed to the
Easy-PhotoPrint printing window
shown at the right when you
select [One Photo per Page Print]
according to the default settings.
If a window similar to it opens,
read the Help menu for Easy-
PhotoPrint for instructions to proceed.
To proceed to the ZoomBrowser EX printing window as shown in Step 2
when you select [One Photo per Page Print], click the [Tools] menu and
select [Preferences], followed by the [Printing] tab. Select [Use the Print
Function in ZoomBrowser EX].