
Record with
Precision and
much enjoyed using
the EOS-1Ds Mark III.
It is a superb piece of
equipment capable of
holding its own when
to a 4 x 5
view cam-
era. With
its extraor-
dinarily high resolution
in combination with
ease of operation, I
predict this will become
the tool of choice for
many architectural
Explorer of Light
Highlight Tone Priority
The Highlight Tone Priority mode can be activated via
Custom Function to help preserve greater detail in image
highlight areas. It actually expands the available range
of capture in the highlights, yet it exacts no penalties in
either shadow detail or camera performance. It benefits
nearly all professionals — for example, a nature pho-
tographer shooting winter snow scenes, a wedding
photographer seeking to preserve detail in the bride’s
dress, or an architectural photographer facing a high-
contrast scene in bright sunlight.
Wide Dynamic Range
The outstanding image capture performance of the Canon
Full-Frame CMOS sensor, the extended bit depth of the
A/D converters, and the advanced design of the Dual
Processor ensure
not only abun-
dant detail but
also amazing
dynamic range.
The EOS-1Ds
Mark III thereby
addresses a crit-
ical shortcoming among many of today’s digital cameras.
It is better able to capture a wide range of light values
without blowing out highlights or losing shadow detail.
Subtle tonal gradations are also more accurately recorded.
Canon EOS Tilt-Shift Lenses
Canon TS-E lenses are capable of tilt
and shift movements that normally
require the use of technical view
cameras. Tilt movements alter the
angle of the plane of focus between
the lens and the focal plane, making
broad depth-of-field possible even at wider apertures.
These capabilities greatly expand the versatility of the
EOS System and are ideal for specialized applications,
such as architectural photography.
The Full-Frame Optical Advantage
Digital SLR cameras with smaller sensors, by comparison,
require a focal length conversion factor that effectively
narrows the field of view as though you’ve added a tele-
photo converter. EOS Digital SLR cameras with full-frame
sensors let photographers use the entire range of superb
Canon EF lenses without a conversion factor, making it
possible to take full advantage of the specific optical
characteristics for which the lenses were designed.
63-zone Metering System
A 63-zone metering sensor combined with sophisticated
metering algorithms delivers more precise and stable
exposure calculation over a wide range of shooting
situations. Photographers can choose from among
Evaluative, Partial area (8.5% at the center), Spot (2.4%
at the center), Multi-Spot, and Center-Weighted average
metering modes.
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