
7.1 Settings for Measurement (Page: 1/3)
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JAN” - “DEC”: Month (WhenYMD” is selected for “ORDER
below, month will be displayed in numbers “
1” -
2000” - “2099”: Year
00” - “23”: Hour
00” - “59”: Minutes
How to change the setting]
(1) Select the item by turning roller, or by pressing FIXATION
switch or
LIMITER switch.
(2) Number increases when
PRINT switch is pressed.
[ODR] Order of displaying the date
YMD”: Year, month, day
MDY”: Month, day, year
DMY”: Day, month, year
WARNING IOP Choosing whether to display a warning message (“[5] IOP >(<) =
xx* mmHg!
”) and stop measurement when the result of measuring
the eye in FULL AUTO mode is above or below the value selected
here. See step 6 in section 5.2.
* Value set here will be displayed.
[How to change the setting]
(1) Select “UNDER” by turning roller, or by pressing FIXATION
switch or
LIMITER switch.
(2) Press
PRINT switch to select the required setting for
OFF”: Warning message will not be displayed and mea-
surement will not stop.
1” - “9”: Warning message will be displayed and measure-
ment will stop when the result is below the intraoc-
ular pressure selected here.
(3) Select “
ABOVE” by turning roller, or by pressing FIXATION
switch or
LIMITER switch.
(4) Press
PRINT switch to select the required setting for “ABOVE”.
OFF”: Warning message will not be displayed and mea-
surement will not stop.
15” - “25”:Warning message will be displayed and measure-
ment will stop when the result is above the intraoc-
ular pressure selected here.
WARNING IMG Choosing whether to display a still image immediately after mea-
surement error has occurred in order to enable the cause of the error
to be determined.
ON”: Error image will be displayed.
OFF”: Error image will not be displayed.
Press AUTO/MANU. switch to proceed to page 2/3.
Press CLEAR (DEMO) switch to return to measurement mode.