Instruction manual

Using the Full
Range of Features
Sepia (SEPIA)
Strobe (STROBE)
Records a monochrome image with a
sepia tint.
This effect converts on-screen action to
a series of still images, giving an effect
similar to slow-motion.
1. Set the camera to record pause mode, with the POWER switch set
to the
Q position.
2. Press and hold the DIGITAL EFFECTS button for more than two
seconds to make the digital effects menu appear.
The menu appears for four seconds.
3. By pressing the DIGITAL EFFECTS button, choose one of the
digital effects from the list.
As for the Art, Black and White, Sepia and Strobe effects, when you release
the DIGITAL EFFECTS button, chosen effect is activated and you can see
the effect on the display.
Each time you press the DIGITAL EFFECTS button, the chosen effect is
activated or deactivated.
To turn the digital effects off completely, choose the EFFECT | option.
Selecting the effect