User`s manual

Creating Web Pages for Video Distribution
Distribute Still ImaÍges to a Mobile Phone
For pan, tilt and zoom, you can specify the relative position from the current position
using “d”, which indicates the current position.
Panning 10 degrees to the right from the current position pan=d+1000
Tilting 5 degrees downward from the current position tilt=d-500
Narrow the angel by 2 degrees zoom=d-200
Widen the angle by 2 degrees zoom=d+200
You can also specify “v”, which indicates the percentage for the current angle. In this
method, specify the percentage using the current angle as 100. (Half the angle is 50,
and twice the angle is 200.)
Panning for the angle (=1 screen) to the right from the current position pan=v+100
Tilting half a screen downward from the current position tilt=v-50
Half the angle zoom=v+50
Double the angle zoom=v+200