Security Camera User Manual

How to Read the Guides
User’s Manual
Start Guide explains the safety
precautions, the types of bundled
software, the system requirements, and
the software installation instruction, the
initial setting and mounting procedures
for VB-C60.
Sections where the user should refer to
the Operation Guide are indicated by the
d icon accompanied by the relevant
page number.
Operation Guide explains how to configure
the basic settings for VB-C60, how to use
VBAdmin Tools and VB-C60 Viewer, and
troubleshooting tips.
The Operation Guide is contained in the
Setup CD-ROM.
Start Guide
Operation Guide (this guide)
The Setup CD-ROM also contains “VK-Lite”, a simplified version of the Network Video Recorder
(dStart Guide P.1-6). The instruction manuals below are provided for VK-Lite.
Setup Guide
Administrator’s Manual
Setup Guide provides
notes for using VK-Lite,
the system requirements,
system configuration,
installation instruction and
setup procedures.
Administrator’s Manual
provides details of how to
use VK-Lite. Be sure to
read this manual before
Viewer Operation Guide
is the operation guide for
VK-Lite Viewer. For
detailed information on
how to use VK-Lite
Viewer, refer to the
“Administrator’s Manual”.
Viewer Operation Guide
In the Start Guide and Operation Guide, the text and illustrations are applicable for both VB-C60
and VB-C60B.
VB-C60 comes with two guides; “Start Guide” and this “Operation Guide” (on supplied Setup