Owner's Manual

Performing Operations and Settings in the Admin Viewer
Admin Viewer/VB Viewer
For an explanation on each item set in [Metering
Mode], see [Metering Mode] in the Setting page
(p. 53).
(4) [Shutter Speed]
When [Manual] or [Auto (Shutter-priority AE)] is
selected for [Exposure], select the shutter speed
desired. If [Manual] is selected, set the shutter speed
in the range of [1/1 sec] to [1/16000 sec] from a pull-
down menu. If [Auto (Shutter-priority AE)] is selected,
set the shutter speed in the range of [1/2 sec] to
[1/16000 sec] from a pull-down menu.
When capturing a moving subject, selecting a higher
shutter speed can reduce blurry video capture.
(5) [Slow Shutter]
You can set slow shutter if [Exposure] is set to [Auto]
or [Auto (Flickerless)]. Select a value in the range of
[1/2 sec] to [1/30 sec] from the pull-down menu.
As slower shutter speeds generate afterimages when
capturing a moving subject, select an appropriate
time according to the capture conditions.
(6) [Aperture]
If [Manual] is selected for [Exposure], set a desired
aperture value.
Moving the slider to the left closes the aperture and
darkens the image. Moving the slider to the right
opens the aperture and brightens the image.
(7) [Gain]
If [Manual] is selected for [Exposure], set a desired
gain value.
Moving the slider to the left decreases the gain
(sensitivity to brightness) and darkens the image.
Moving the slider to the right increases the gain and
brightens the image.
Setting White Balance
(1) [Auto]
The white balance is adjusted automatically.
(2) [Light Source]
Select the light source from the pull-down menu below
according to the condition in which the camera is
For an explanation on each item set in [Light Source],
see [White Balance] in the Setting page (p. 54).
(3) [Manual]
The white balance is adjusted manually.
[One-shot WB]
This is used for forcibly locking the white balance to
match the light source.
Example of setting method:
Illuminate a white subject (white paper, etc.) using
the light source, making sure the subject fills the
entire screen, and then execute [One-shot WB].
[R Gain], [B Gain]
When setting the white balance manually, set the
values of red and blue gain in the range 0 to 1023 to
match the light source.
If the subject is a traffic signal or electronic scoreboard, etc.,
the captured image may flicker.
In this case, try changing [Exposure] to [Auto (Shutter-priority
AE)] and then select a shutter speed lower than 1/100, to see
if the situation improves.
[Exposure Compensation] and [Manual] for [Exposure]
cannot be selected if [Smart Shade Control] is set to [Auto].
When [Camera] > [Camera Control] > [AGC Limit] is set to
[OFF] in the setting page and [Exposure] is set to [Auto
(Shutter-priority AE)], exposure compensation and backlight
compensation will not be performed.
Since the light source selection options are based on
representative characteristics, proper colors may not be
achieved depending on the applicable light source. In this
case, use the [One-shot WB] function.