Owner's Manual

Setting the Day/Night Mode
(1) [Auto]
The camera automatically switches to day mode or
night mode depending on ambient brightness.
(2) [Day Mode]
Color image can be viewed in the normal mode.
(3) [Night Mode]
Images are shown in black and white, due to the
disabling of the infrared cut filter.
(4) [Day/Night Mode Focus Settings]
Click to display the [Day/Night Mode Focus Settings]
panel for making focus settings when switching Day/
Night Mode. Can only be set when [Focus] is set to
[Manual] (p. 146).
Focusing positions will vary under different light
sources, such as fluorescent or infrared, since the
wavelengths of these light sources vary. One of the
following methods can be used to adjust the focusing
position to allow for these differences when switching
Day/Night Mode.
(5) [Use One-shot AF]
This is the factory default setting. Select this option to
use One-shot AF when switching Day/Night Mode.
(6) [Move to registered focus position]
When switching Day/Night Mode, the focus positions
preregistered for Day Mode and Night Mode in
[Register focus position] will be used. For details, see
“Registering the Focus Positions” (p. 148).
(7) [Compensate for light source]
Select this option to adjust the focus position to suit
the lighting being used when switching to Night Mode.
Select this option to capture video under
fluorescent, LED, sodium or mercury lighting.
[Halogen Lamp]
Select this option to capture video under halogen or
incandescent lighting.
[Infrared (740nm)]
Select this option to capture video under infrared
(740 nm wavelength) lighting.
[Infrared (850nm)]
Select this option to capture video under infrared
(850 nm wavelength) lighting.
[Infrared (940nm)]
Select this option to capture video under infrared
(940 nm wavelength) lighting.
(8) [None]
When switching Day/Night Mode, the camera
automatically focuses on each of the fluorescent
lighting focus positions set for Day Mode and Night
Registering the Focus Positions
The focus positions that are used when switching Day/
Night Mode are registered as follows:
If the subject looks greenish under mercury lamps in the
[Auto] mode, select the [Mercury Lamp] mode under light
source. If the image is still not shown in appropriate colors
under mercury lamps when the [Mercury Lamp] mode is
selected under light source, use [One-shot WB].
When the subject has only one color, under low light
conditions, or when sodium lamps, mercury lamps or certain
other fluorescent lighting is used, colors may not be adjusted
When [Day/Night] is set to [Night Mode] (including when it is
set to [Auto] and night mode is judged to be applicable), the
white balance function cannot be used.
Notes on capturing video continuously day and night
If a subject that seldom changes is captured in a location
where the light source changes gradually, such as when
capturing a subject continuously day and night, appropriate
colors may not be achieved.
In the above case, applying changes to the image to capture
will achieve the appropriate colors.