Owner's Manual

List of Log Messages
B204 Audio message reception failure [info]
B301 Audio device error [err]
B402 Audio server initialization failed [err]
B403 Settings change failed [err]
Application (Video-Related) Messages
V001 Starting and shutdown of video server [info]
V020 Starting intelligent service [info]
V021 Shutting down intelligence service [info]
V200 Video input warning [warning]
V300 Video input error [err]
V320 Internal error in intelligent service [err]
V321 Pseudo mode setting error in intelligent service
Description audio message recv error [%1:%2] (B204)
%1 Error notification number
%2 Cause of error
Meaning The audio message could not be received.
Description cannot use audio device for %1 [%2:%3]
%1 Transmission/reception type (rx | tx)
%2 Error handling (open | write | flush)
%3 Error number
Meaning An audio device error was detected.
If the error is not reset automatically,
arrange for servicing.
Description wvaudio initialization error [%1] (B402)
%1 Error number
Meaning The audio server could not be initialized.
The audio server stops.
If the problem persists after rebooting, the
camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description cannot set config [%1:%2] (B403)
%1 Error notification number
%2 Error number
Meaning The settings could not be updated. The
audio server stops.
If the problem persists after rebooting, the
camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description %1 video (V001)
%1 Starting or stopping
Meaning The video server was started/stopped.
Description starting intelligent. (V020)
Meaning Intelligent service was started.
Description shutdown intelligent. (V021)
Meaning Intelligent service was shut down.
Description video %1 warning - %2 (V200)
%1 Video number
%2 Error number
Meaning An error that permits recovery of the video
input system was detected.
Change video size or video quality, or
decrease data size for each JPEG image.
Description video %1 warning - %2 (V300)
%1 Video number
%2 Error number
Meaning An error in the video input was detected that
may adversely affect the operation of the
If the problem persists after rebooting, the
camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description cannot work intelligent [%1] [%2] [%3] .
%1 Error number
%2 Cause of error
%3 Error information
Meaning An internal error occurred in intelligent
If the problem persists after rebooting, the
camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description pseudo mode setting fail. (V321)
Meaning An error occurred in the pseudo mode
setting of intelligent service.
If the problem persists after rebooting, the
camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.