User manual

Monitor Video with the Viewer
When multiple layouts are open, click to display to the previous layout, and click to display the next layout.
Select and switch layouts in the video window.
Display a grid in the background of the video window.
Zooms in and out on the viewing area. Each click zooms in or out on the viewing area.
Select [Actual Size] from the [View] menu to return the view to the actual size.
You cannot zoom out further than the actual size.
[Control Cameras]
Opens camera control panel.
Viewer Features
The quality of the video in the video window decreases when you zoom in. To increase the video quality, change the resolution (P. 126).
Switch between multiple layout displays using tabs. Tabs can be added
via [New Tab] in the [File] menu. (Tab display is not available in
Displays buttons for executing often-
used functions.
Camera Selector
Specify conditions to search for cameras
and select a camera to view video
(P. 103).
Send and receive camera audio and play
back recorded audio (P. 108).
Live Events Log
Check events that occurred one hour or
less after Viewer startup (P. 117).
Viewing Area
Place a Video Window
Events are displayed here. Click
an event to play back the
recording (P. 111).
Video window
Display live video from a camera or
playback from a recording.
Drag to change the playback position
in the video window (P. 112).
Camera Control
Operate the camera (P. 105).