User manual

Monitor Video with the Viewer
Save a Snapshot of the Displayed Video
You can take a snapshot of the displayed video and save a still image.
(1) [Display camera name] check box
Select this check box if you want to add the camera name to the still image.
(2) [Display timestamp] check box
Select this check box if you want to add the time and date to the lower right side of the saved still image.
(You cannot specify the position, font, size or color.)
(3) [Save As]
Save the preview video.
The [Save As] dialog box appears.
The file is saved in the specified location and the focus is placed on the [Capture Still Frame] dialog box again.
You can extract a video from only one video window at a time.
Do not specify the Windows folder or the Program Files folder on the system drive as the destination. Video cannot be saved to
these folders.
You cannot save only audio data.
When extracting a time range that contains different video formats (such as JPEG and H.264), divide the range by format and
save each video segment individually.
When the data size of video being extracted reaches 2 GB, extraction will stop and the video extracted to that point will be
saved, even if the specified end time has not been reached.
Play back the .mov file to check if the specified length of video was saved.
Video that exceeds 2 GB in size cannot be saved. Adjust the video extraction range so that the data size does not exceed 2 GB.
You can calculate the data size using the Required Disk Space Calculator or Data Size and Bit Rate Estimates table found on
the Canon website.
Block noise may appear when an extracted H.264 video is paused during playback.
Initially, noise may be present when playing back extracted video recordings that include audio.
Click [Capture] on the toolbar to display the [Capture Still Frame] dialog box.
Set the still image to be saved.
Click [Save As].
Specify the file name and storage location and click [Save].
(1) (2) (3)