User manual

Monitor Video with the Viewer
View a Live Event
You can display past events in the [Live Events Log] window.
When the Viewer launches, you can open the [Live Events Log] window to show all events that occurred within the last hour.
The top row in the list shows item names. You can sort events in the list by clicking in a column to specify the item to sort by
and the sorting order.
Click [Window] > [Live Events Log] to display the [Live Events Log] window
You can change the display priority for the [Live Events Log] window. For details, please refer to “Configure Event Notification and
Priorities” (P. 123).
Event Icon Colors
Different colored icons are displayed for events, depending on the priority.
You can change the event priority.
Motion detection recording, sensor detection recording, intelligent function recording, and volume detection recording priorities
can be specified when setting the recording mode of a recording schedule (P. 78).
Other event priorities can be specified when setting the Storage Server Group. (P. 64)
Check Events
A maximum of 200 events can be displayed in the [Live Events Log] window.
Icon color Priority
Red Highest
Orange High
Yellow Medium
Light Green Low
Green Lowest