User manual

Adding a
Streaming for recording is
applied only when the following
conditions are satisfied:
The video stream format is JPEG
The frame rate settings do not
exceed ten fps
There is no existing recording-
mode stream in the camera.
Tried to enable a recording-mode stream.
This schedule item overlaps a
previously scheduled item.
Please check your settings and
try again.
Recording schedules overlap.
Recording schedule items must
be set at least 15 minutes long.
Please check your settings and
try again.
Tried to set a schedule with a period shorter than 15 minutes.
Recording schedule items
cannot be created for the
following cameras because of a
clash with existing schedules:
<camera name>
Tried to drag a recording schedule window to add multiple recording
schedules, but one camera has a conflicting schedule.
Failed to create multiple
recording schedule items. All
selected cameras have
recording schedule items that
clash with a schedule time
Tried to add a recording schedule to multiple cameras using the [Edit
Schedule Item] dialog box, but the schedule time range clashes with
schedules that are already set on the cameras.
At least one day must be
selected. Please check your
settings and try again.
Tried to register a schedule without specifying a day.
At least one recording mode
must be selected. Please check
your settings and try again.
Tried to register a schedule without selecting the check box for a
recording mode.
You cannot use digital zoom with
<current camera position>.
Tried to specify the digital zoom range and close the [Edit Schedule
Item] dialog box with [Current Camera Position] selected.
Special day
This schedule type has days set
up for it to be used on. These
need to be removed before
deleting the schedule type.
Tried to delete the special day schedule that has scheduled days.
This day has already been set as
special day schedule <schedule
name>. Do you want to delete
the day from the special day
schedule <schedule name> and
use it in this schedule?
Tried to use dates that are already used for another special day
Special day schedules cannot
be set the end time which is
earlier than the start time.
Tried to register a schedule that goes past 24:00.
A schedule with this name
already exists.
Tried to add a special day schedule with a name that already exists.
Adding and
editing a
Could not connect to camera.
Please verify that the host name,
port number, user name, and
password are correct.
Could not connect to camera.
Are you sure you want to remove
the camera <camera name>? If
the camera is removed, you will
not be able to play back
recorded video.
Tried to delete a camera.
Message Cause