User manual

You can configure settings so that an e-mail notification is set when an event occurs. You can set event priority levels ahead
of time and change e-mail destinations according to the priority.
For details on e-mail notification content when an even occurs, please refer to “Appendix: Check Event Notification E-mail” (P. 163).
Display the [Event] Tab
Select the appropriate Storage Server, click [Settings] > [Storage Server Group], and display the [Storage Server Group
Settings] dialog box. Click the [Event] tab.
Configure Event Priorities and E-mail Notifications
Configure event priority levels, e-mail destinations, and e-mail server settings.
(1) [E-mail Notification]
Display a list of e-mail addresses for sending notification messages when an event is triggered, and the priority of the
(2) [Add], [Edit], and [Remove]
Add, edit or remove an e-mail notification recipient.
(3) [Mail Server Settings]
Configure the mail server used for notifications.
(4) [Event Priorities]
Configure the event priorities. You can configure priorities in five levels: Highest, High, Medium, Low, Lowest.
Notification of Events by E-mail