User manual

To record for the entire day without specifying a start and end time, click [All Day].
To specify a recording period, enter the start time in [Start Time] and the end time in [End Time]. Use these
items when you want to specify a recording time that goes past midnight, such as when recording late into the
night. Alternatively, select a duration for the recording (minimum of 15 min.) in the [Duration] field.
If you click [Select All], you can select check boxes for all days. To clear all selections, click [Clear All].
You cannot specify overlapping recording schedules on the same camera.
The time of the recording schedules is based on the Storage Server clock. We recommend that you synchronize the clocks on all
the Storage Server you are using.
If you set the operating system to automatically handle daylight saving time, the time will be automatically adjusted on the first
and last days of the daylight saving time period.
Specify the Recording Mode
Specify the recording mode. Recording begins based on conditions met within the set day and time.
For example, if you want continuously record for the entire duration of the recording schedule, select the check
box next to [Continuous Recording].
The settings are different for each recording mode.
Continuous recording (P. 78)
Records continuously for the specified recording period.
Sensor recording (P. 79)
Starts recording when there is a signal from a sensor connected to the camera.
Motion detection recording (P. 80)
Starts recording when motion is detected.
Intelligent Function recording (P. 83)
Starts recording when motion that meets the Intelligent Function detection criteria is detected.
Volume detection recording (P. 84)
Starts recording when the volume detection criteria are met.
Scream detection recording (P. 84)
Starts recording when a scream is detected.
Linked event recording (P. 85)
Recording begins when a linked event occurs.
The available recording modes depend on the camera model.
You can specify the priority of the events generated by any recording operation other than continuous recording. For details,
please refer to P. 79, 80, 83, and 84. When two events occur simultaneously, the event with the higher priority takes precedence.
You can specify more than one recording mode at the same time. For example, you can select motion detection recording and
specify a frame rate that is higher than continuous recording. This way, a high frame rate is used only when motion is detected.
The motion detection feature notifies you there is motion in an area when motion is not ordinarily expected. Do not use this feature
for busy areas where motion detection may be triggered frequently.
On models on which both motion detection recording and intelligent function recording can be configured, please use intelligent
function recording.
Select the check boxes for the days of the week on which to repeat the recording in [Repeat On].
To use one Storage Server with more than 32 cameras connected to it, set the start time of the recording schedule leaving 15-
minute intervals or longer so that the recording schedules of 33 or more cameras do not start at the same time. If recording
schedules for 33 or more cameras start at the same time, recording may be delayed for some cameras.
Select the check box next to the recording mode you want to use.
Configure the recording mode settings in the recording settings area.