User manual

Start recording when there is a signal from the sensor. After selecting the item, configure the recording settings
below the item.
(3) [Priority]
Select the event priority. For details, please refer to “Check Events” (P. 117).
(4) [Invert this event]
Select this checkbox to start recording when the input from the sensor disappears.
For example, start recording when there is no signal from the sensor, and stop recording when a signal is
The other settings are the same as those for continuous recording (P. 78).
The number of tabs depends on the number of compatible external devices (sensors) that are connected to the camera.
The name of the external device that is registered in the camera is displayed in the [Sensor Name] box.
If a sensor recording is triggered with the same priority as one that is currently recording, the second sensor will be given priority
and begin recording. The remainder of the first recording sensor, if any, will continue recording after the second sensor ends.
Motion Detection Recording Settings
Using the Camera for Motion Detection
When you select the [Sensor Recording] check box in the recording mode list in step 1, [Do not record] is selected for all of the
sensors. You must select [Start Recording] for at least one sensor to be able to start sensor recording.
The sensor inputs can generate a large number of events for the Storage Server, thereby increasing the load on the server. For
reference, if the Storage Server is continuously receiving more than ten events per minute, we recommend that you use
continuous recording mode.
If the recording period for a schedule ends while sensor recording is in progress, recording will stop.
The motion detection feature is not suitable for applications where high reliability is required. We recommend that you do not use
the motion detection feature in applications such as surveillance, which require high reliability. Canon cannot take responsibility
for any accidents or damages associated with using the motion detection feature.