User manual

Select [Storage Server] to detect motion using a Storage Server.
(2) [Priority]
Select the priority of the motion detection events. For details, please refer to “Check Events” (P. 117).
(3) [Frame Rate]
Specify the motion detection frame rate (frames per second).
(4) [Settings Mode]
If you select [Simple], [Sensitivity] and [Area Ratio] can only be set using the sliders. [Duration] is fixed at 0.2
If you select [Advanced], the [Sensitivity], [Area Ratio] and [Duration] settings become available so that values
can be set.
(5) [Sensitivity]
Specify the motion detection sensitivity within the range of 1 to 256. Increase the number to increase the
(6) [Area Ratio]
Specify the area of the preview video that the Storage Server uses for motion detection. The range is 0 to 100%.
The size marker inside the Detection Indicator changes position depending on the value of this setting.
(7) [Duration]
Specify the length of time the motion signal must be present to decide that there is motion. The range is 0.0 to
5.0 seconds.
(8) [Active Region]
Displays a preview video from the camera used for motion detection.
Displays a dotted-line frame representing the active region on top of the preview video. Drag the frame handles
to make it larger or smaller.
(9) [Detection Indicator]
The size marker changes position depending on the value of the [Area Ratio] setting. Adjust the motion
detection settings while viewing the preview video and the Detection Indicator.
The colored bar changes depending on the value of the [Sensitivity] and the [Area Ratio] settings.
The other settings are the same as those for continuous recording (P. 78).
Color of the
Colored Bar
The detected motion does not reach the values specified in [Sensitivity] and [Area Ratio].
In this case, the colored bar remains to the left of the size marker.
The detected motion exceeds the values specified in [Sensitivity] and [Area Ratio]. In this
case, the colored bar remains to the right of the size marker.
If the recording period for a schedule ends while motion detection recording is in progress, recording will stop.
The detection indicator is not affected by the [Duration] setting. Be sure to take the detection time into account when adjusting
the motion detection settings.
To perform motion detection on the Storage Server, you must specify [JPEG] for the [Video Format]. Also, if you simultaneously
use more than one recording mode, all the [Video Format] settings must be [JPEG]. An error message is displayed if you try to
use a format other than [JPEG] and motion detection on the Storage Server at the same time.
Make the [Priority] setting on the [Recording Settings] tab lower than the priority of any of the other recording settings.
Colored bar
Size marker
Notification Indicator