Operation Manual

Video notification
V001 Starting and stopping of video server
V020 Starting intelligent service [info]
V021 Shutting down intelligence service [info]
Uploader notification
A004 Starting and stopping of uploader [info]
A040 Number of uploads (MAIL) [info]
A041 Number of uploads (FTP) [info]
A042 Number of uploads (HTTP) [info]
Memory card notification
M001 Starting and stopping of memory card
control module [info]
M002 Valid management information
inserted [info]
M003 Started/finished recreation of
management information [info]
Description %1 video (V001)
%1 Starting or stopping
Meaning The video server was started/stopped.
Description starting intelligent. (V020)
Meaning Intelligent service was started.
Description shutdown intelligent. (V021)
Meaning Intelligent service was shut down.
Description %1 uploader (A004)
%1 Starting or stopping
Meaning The uploader was started or stopped.
Description uploader mail: normal=%1 test=%2
%1 Number of normal uploads.
%2 Number of test uploads.
Meaning Shows the number of uploads
Description uploader ftp: normal=%1 test=%2
%1 Number of normal uploads.
%2 Number of test uploads.
Meaning Shows the number of uploads
Description uploader http: normal=%1 test=%2
%1 Number of normal uploads.
%2 Number of test uploads.
Meaning Shows the number of uploads
Description %1 sdctrl (M001)
%1 Starting or stopping
Meaning The memory card control module
(sdctrl) has started or stopped.
Description Valid db information (%1)(%2)(%3)
was inserted (M002)
%1 Name of management information file
with inserted valid information
%2 Directory number of valid information
%3 File number of valid information
Meaning Added to management information as
it appears to be a valid video file.
Description %1 updating management file
%1 Start | Finish
%2 Management information identification
Meaning Process to recreate management
information finished.