System information

View Recorded Images
Day-to-Day Operations
You cannot operate the preview when displaying the [Capture
Still Frame] dialog box. You must operate the camera in
advance to set its angle. For details on operating the camera,
see “Operate the Camera” (P. 6-8).
The .bmp file format is used for still images.
Search for a Recording
Images recorded using a recording schedule or [Record
Now] are displayed on the timeline as events. You can
search through the recordings to find the recording that
you want to play back.
Search by Changing the Timeline
Zoom out or zoom in the timeline.
Event display area
Displays events according to the times they occurred.
Time bar
Drag the bar to scroll through the timeline.
Change the recording period displayed in the timeline
using the buttons at each end.
Events displayed as film icons are images recording for
that period. Click the event to play the recording.
Events associated with the selected camera are also
displayed in the event display area. (The color of these
events represents their priority.) Click the event to play the
Events in the display area that not associated with the selected
camera (secondary events) are displayed as transparent. If
you do not select a camera, all events are displayed as
primary events (not transparent).
Click [View] > [Timeline] to display/hide the timeline.
Do not specify the Windows folder or the Program Files folder
on the system drive as the destination for the snapshot images.
Images cannot be saved to these folders.
Click the video window.
Drag the timeline to display the time and date for the
Button Description
Go back one week
Go back one day
Go back 10% of the current time display
Go forward 10% of the current time display
Go forward one day
Go forward one week
Click an event in the event display area.
Events not associated with
the selected camera
Events associated with
the selected camera