System information

Destinations of the Backup Files
The data that is saved during a backup consists of
recording data, event data, and configuration files. The
data is saved to the folders described below.
Recording Data
<Destination drive>:\Canon-NVR\videofiles
The following recording data file is backed up:
Images being recorded are saved to a temporary file on
the hard disk. By default, a recording file is created and
saved on the destination drive when the temporary file
size reaches 1 GB.
Greenwich Mean Time is used for the time added to the file
name of the recording data.
This software uses lossy compression for the recording data.
You do not need to compress the recording files further using a
tape drive or other devices.
Temporary Files
The following is a temporary file, before it is made into a
recording data file by the system. This file cannot be
backed up using the standard backup method.
Event Data
<Destination drive>:\Canon-NVR\eventfiles
The following event data file is backed up:
Greenwich Mean Time is used for the time added to the file name
of the recording data.
Configuration Files
The settings for the Storage Server and the Viewer are
saved in the following folders on the computer where the
program is installed. You must back up all of these folders
to completely back up the configuration files.
Configuration file path
<System drive>:\ProgramData\Canon\WebView\NVR30\
<System drive>:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\
The configuration file names are not displayed unless [Show
hidden files and folders] is selected in the [View] tab of
Windows Explorer [Folder Options].
You cannot use the shadow backup feature.
Notes on Backup
You do not need to stop recording to back up recorded data
that is complete. However, the frame rate may change
because of increased disk I/O load and/or CPU load.
If you want to restore a backed-up recording file, the computer
you restore the backup to must have the same drive
configuration as the original Storage Server. For example, if
you have a C drive for the original Storage Server system and a
D drive for recorded data, you will also need a C and a D drive
for the Storage Server you use when you restore the backup.
Determine the hard disk capacity based on the volume of data
to be restored.
Backing up data
NVR3_MEDIA_ xxxxxxxx _ yyyymmdd _ hhmmss .edt
Camera ID Year, month
and day the
NVR3_UNINDEXED_MEDIA_xxxxxxxx_ yyyymmdd _hhmmss.edt
Camera ID Year, month and
day when
recording started
NVR3_EVENT_ xxxxxxxx _ yyyymmdd _hhmmss .edt
Camera ID Year, month
and day when