User Manual

List of Log Messages
W111 Invalid host [notice]
W210 Camera operation discarded [warning]
Application (uploader) messages
A004 Starting and stopping of uploader [info]
A040 Number of uploads (MAIL) [notice]
A041 Number of uploads (FTP) [notice]
A042 Number of uploads (HTTP) [notice]
A120 Resolution of upload destination name failed [notice]
A121 Connection to upload destination failed [notice]
Description host <IP Address> access denied (W111)
Meaning The camera was accessed from a host from which access is prohibited.
Description camera operation discarded (W210)
Meaning Camera operation requested was discarded.
Description %1 uploader (A004)
%1 Starting or stopping
Meaning The uploader was started or stopped.
Description uploader mail: normal=%1 test=%2 (A040)
Meaning Shows the number of uploads executed.
%1 Number of normal uploads.
%2 Number of test uploads.
Description uploader ftp: normal=%1 test=%2 (A041)
Meaning Shows the number of uploads executed.
%1 Number of normal uploads.
%2 Number of test uploads.
Description uploader http: normal=%1 test=%2 (A042)
Meaning Shows the number of uploads executed.
%1 Number of normal uploads.
%2 Number of test uploads.
Description uploader cannot resolve the server name (A120)
Meaning The name of the upload destination could not be resolved.
Description uploader cannot connect the server (A121)
Meaning Execution of connect () to upload destination failed.