Network Camera VB-M700F/VB-M600D/VB-M600VE Operation Guide

Creating a Camera Specification File
Camera Angle Setting Tool
Entering in a Text Editor
Separate each field with a comma. When you save the file, use the .csv file extension.
B1F VB-M700F,,80,root,camera1,0
1Fa VB-M600VE,,80,root,camera2,0
1Fb VB-M600D,,80,root,camera3,0
2Fa VB-M600D,,80,root,camera4,0
2Fb VB-M600D,,80,root,camera5,0
3Fa VB-M700F,,80,root,camera6,0
R VB-M600VE,,443,root,camera7,0
Enter the actual administrator passwords in the camera specification file. Handle the camera specification file with sufficient care.
If the camera specification file includes delimiters other than commas, such as semicolons or blank rows, the process of loading the
camera specification cannot be performed.