Network Video Recording Software RM-Lite Ver.1.0 Administrator's Manual

Change the Camera Angle Using a
Panorama Image
Change the camera angle by specifying a position on a
panorama image.
The frame is yellow when you have control of the
camera. Drag the frame to change its size and zoom
the camera in/out.
Drag the center of the frame to move the frame and
change the camera angle.
If you draw a rectangle anywhere on the panorama
image, the frame is redrawn at that location and the
camera angle and zoom change correspondingly.
The frame is blue when you do not have control of the
A panorama image is not available.
You must first register a panorama image on the camera before
using this feature. For details, see the camera manual.
Play Back Audio
If the audio feature on the camera is used, you can play
audio using the audio panel or send audio using a
The [Audio] panel appears.
Options view
[Listen to Audio]
Starts audio playback.
[Use Microphone]
Starts audio transmission.
Show options button
Displays the options for the [Audio] panel.
[Play audio also while using microphone]
Select if you want to play audio even when using a
[Use silence detection to reduce network traffic]
Select if you want to detect silent segments when
sending audio. Decreases the amount of data
transmitted during silent segments to decrease the
load on network bandwidth.
Displays the [Silence Detection Settings] dialog box.
Hide options button
Hides the options of the [Audio] panel.
Click [Panorama] in the [Camera Control] dialog box to
display the [Panorama] window.
Change the camera angle and zoom using the frame
displayed on the panorama image.
Click [Window] > [Audio Panel].