Network Video Recording Software RM-Lite Ver.1.0 Administrator's Manual

HTTP Error Codes
wininet Error Codes
10051 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable
Occurs when other network devices recognize that the
network is down because the router or hub is powered off.
Normally, this cannot be recognized, therefore this error is
rarely reported.
10054 An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote
The connection was aborted by the camera due to a camera
restart or other causes. This may occur when the camera is
restarted using the restart button on the configuration page
provided by the camera software. However, this rarely
10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party
did not properly respond after a period of time, or
established connection failed because connected host has
failed to respond.
A timeout occurred in the TCP connection with the camera.
(This occurs when the camera is powered off.)
10061 No connection could be made because the target machine
actively refused it.
The camera rejected the TCP connection. (This occurs when
the port number is incorrect or another cause.)
10064 A socket operation failed because the destination host was
Occurs when the camera is powered off. (Normally, 10060
10065 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host. There is no route for connecting to the camera. (This may
also occur when there is a failure in the network cable
connected to the computer or hub.)
10091 WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the
underlying system it uses to provide network services is
currently unavailable.
There is a failure on the computer’s network adapter.
11001 No such host is known. The host name could not be resolved in the DNS.
11004 The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested
type was found.
The host name could not be resolved in the DNS.
Code Error Message Possible Cause
401 Unauthorized The user authentication for connecting to the camera is
403 Forbidden A connection cannot be established due to an IP address
restriction on the camera. (This may also be returned by a
proxy server.)
500 Internal Server Error Occurs when the HTTP server is running but the Storage
Server is not started. It may also occur during normal
operation if the camera is restarted.
503 Service Unavailable Occurs when the camera is temporarily unable to process
requests due to server overload (excessive requests from
multiple clients), or an uncompleted start-up process on the
camera, or other reasons.
Code Error Message Possible Cause
12002 The request has timed out. A request timeout occurred. Indicates that the connection or
request transmission failed.
12005 The URL is invalid. The URL is incorrect. (Normally, this does not occur,
however, it may occur when an attempt is made to connect
to an unsupported camera.)
12007 The server name could not be resolved. The host name could not be resolved. (This error is
generated when a host name that is not registered in the
DNS is specified or when a problem occurred in
communication with the DNS itself.)
Code Error Message Possible Cause