Operation Manual

RTP Streaming 1 to 5
You can set each stream for RTP stream transmission in an RTP Streaming 1 to RTP Streaming 5 session.
[Video Size]
Select the video format (JPEG or H.264) and video size for the RTP stream.
The video sizes for JPEG will vary depending on the [Video Size Set] settings (P. 72).
The video sizes for H.264 will be determined according to the [H.264(1)] and [H.264(2)] settings in [Video Settings] (P. 73).
In addition, [H.264(1)] and [H.264(2)] cannot be set for multiple RTP streams.
[Frame Rate]
Enter the frame rate if the RTP stream is JPEG video.
This cannot be set for H.264 video. The [Frame Rate] setting in [Video Settings] > [H.264(1)] or [H.264(2)] will be used.
[Multicast Address]
Enter the multicast address for RTP streaming as follows.
IPv4: Range from to
IPv6: Address starting with ff00::/8
Enter [] for IPv4 and [::0(::)] for IPv6 to disable multicast.
[Multicast Port]
Enter the multicast port number for RTP streaming.
If set to [0], multicast is disabled.
[Multicast TTL]
Enter the effective range for multicast transmission of RTP streams.
If set to [0], multicast is disabled.
The TTL (Time To Live), representing the effective range for multicast transmission, is decremented each time the signal
passes through a router. When the value reaches 0, the signal can no longer pass through the router and be transmitted.
For example, if TTL is set to [1], multicast transmission is confined to the local segment only and cannot pass through the
router to be transmitted.
[Audio Transmission]
Select whether to use audio transmission for RTP streaming.
RTP Streaming URL
rtsp://Address:Port Number/rtpstream/config1(to 5)=r|u|m
[=r|u|m] is optional and can be omitted. If specified, specify only one option.
r: Requests RTP over TCP
u: Requests RTP over UDP
m: Requests multicast
Example: RTP Streaming 1 request using RTP over TCP
Caution: Note that the actual operation is dependent on the RTP client application, so the URL does not necessarily specify the method
used for transmission.
When H.264 is selected, bit rate control and video quality are each set with [Video Settings] (P. 73).
The [Video Distribution] and [Audio Distribution] settings in [Security] > [User Restrictions] > [User Authority] are not used for RTP.
RTP streaming video may not be viewable on systems using a proxy server or firewall. If this occurs, contact your system administrator.
If Host Access Restrictions are applied to a client while it is streaming using RTP over UDP, it may take from a few to tens of seconds
until streaming ceases.
M641 M741