User Manual

Canon model VB-S800D A&E Specifications
OWNER / November 22, 2013 28 23 00 - 7 Video Surveillance System
A. Environmental Conditions
1. Facilities
a. Power: Electrical power will be supplied by OWNER to the extent that the usage is
compatible with available facilities in the vicinity of the work.
b. Telephone: Contractor may use a telephone designated by OWNER for local and
toll-free calls. The costs of long distance calls are the responsibility of the
Contractor and shall not be charged to OWNER.
c. Rest room Facilities: Contractor may use existing Rest room facilities designated by
d. Parking: OWNER reserves the right to limit or restrict Contractor parking based
upon the daily requirements of the other contractors on site.
e. Dust Control: Make provisions to control all dust, dirt, and foreign material caused
by the performance of the Work.
f. Use of explosive type fastening equipment is prohibited.
g. Notify OWNER immediately of any damage or possible damage to any other
2. Clean-Up
a. Contractor shall clean up, on a daily basis as the Work progresses, all dirt, dust and
debris caused by Contractor’s operations. Clean up shall be completed by the end of
each workday to the satisfaction of OWNER’s on-site representative.
b. In the event that Contractor fails to clean up, OWNER may elect to have clean up
performed by others, with the costs of such clean-up being charged to the
3. Construction Aids
a. Definition: Construction Aids are facilities and equipment required by personnel to
facilitate the execution of the Work. Construction Aids include scaffolds, staging,
ladders, platforms, hoists, cranes, lifts, trenchers, core drillers, protective equipment,
and other such facilities and equipment.
b. Contractor shall provide all Construction Aids required in the execution of the
Work. Construction Aids that are the property of OWNER or other contractors shall
not be used without permission.
c. Storage of Construction Aids shall be coordinated with OWNER’s on-site
4. Safety
a. The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all
safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work.
b. Contractor shall comply with all local, state, and federal regulations and laws for the
safety of the work place.
5. Accident Reports
Serious or fatal accidents shall be reported immediately by telephone or radio to the
OWNER’s Project Manager.
B. Existing Conditions
Existing Wiring, Conduits, and Raceways
1. OWNER does not warrant the condition of any portion of the existing wiring, conduit or
raceway systems. Prior to submitting his proposal, Contractor shall examine all existing
conditions and determine to what extent the existing wiring, conduit, and raceway systems
may be reused.