User Manual

Canon model VB-S800D A&E Specifications
OWNER / November 22, 2013 28 23 00 - 9 Video Surveillance System
E. Contractor shall promptly respond to OWNER’s requests for service during the guarantee period.
Contractor shall provide repair service as soon as reasonably possible upon request from
OWNER, but in no case shall service response exceed 8 hours from time of request.
Power shall only be applied to the system after re-checking for proper grounding of the system and
measuring all loops for lack of shorts, grounds, and open circuits.
A. Coordination With OWNER
1. Contractor shall closely schedule and coordinate his activities with designated OWNER
2. Contractor shall provide OWNER’s Project Manager with a work plan on a weekly basis.
Such work plan will describe locations of intended activities, types of activities, and
potential conflicts to facility operations.
B. Coordination With Manufacturer
1. Contractor shall perform Work in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Do no
omit any preparatory step or installation procedure unless specifically modified or
exempted by Contract Documents.
2. Contractor shall maintain one set of complete instructions at the job site during installation
and until completion.
A. After all Work is completed, and prior to requesting the Acceptance Testing & Inspection,
Contractor shall conduct a final inspection, and pre-test all equipment and system features.
Contractor shall correct any deficiencies discovered as the result of the inspection and pre-test.
B. Contractor shall submit a request for the Acceptance Test & Inspection in writing to the OWNER
Project Manager, no less than fourteen days prior to the requested test date. The request for
Acceptance test shall be accompanied by a certification from Contractor that all Work is
complete and has been pre-tested, and that all corrections have been made.
C. During Acceptance Test & Inspection, Contractor shall demonstrate all equipment and system
features to OWNER. Contractor shall remove covers, open wiring connections, operate
equipment, and perform other reasonable work as requested by OWNER.
D. Any portions of the Work found to be deficient or not in compliance with the Project Drawing
and Specifications will be rejected. OWNER Project Manager will prepare a list of any such
deficiencies observed during the Acceptance Test & Inspection. Contractor shall promptly
correct all deficiencies. Upon correction of deficiencies, Contractor shall submit a request in
writing to OWNER Project Manager for another Acceptance Test & Inspection.
E. If, at the conclusion of the Acceptance Test & Inspection, all Work is found to be acceptable and
in compliance with the Project Drawings and Specifications, OWNER Project Manager will
issue a letter of Acceptance to Contractor and OWNER.