Operation Manual

H144 Password specification error [notice]
H201 Timeout disconnect [warning]
wvhttp warning
W101 Invalid user name [notice]
W102 Invalid password [notice]
W130 Buffer recovered [notice]
W201 Invalid panorama image [warning]
W230 Buffer overflow [warning]
Audio server warning
B101 Received unusual request [notice]
B102 Client connection denied [notice]
B103 Client forcibly disconnected [notice]
B201 Event notification failure [warning]
Description (http_auth.c.XXX) password doesn’t
match for %1 username%2, IP:%3
%1 URL XSS vulnerability countermeasure
implementation (process equivalent to
%2 User Name
%3 IP address
Meaning A wrong password was specified in
user authentication.
Description a request for %1 timed out after writing
%d seconds (H201)
%1 Request URI
%d 360 (Timeout time)
Meaning Disconnected due to HTTP server
timeout (360 sec.).
Description user <User name> not found (W101)
Meaning The camera was accessed by an
unauthorized user.
Description user <User name> password
mismatch (W102)
Meaning The password is invalid.
Description stream buffer recovered (W130)
Meaning Image buffer for stream recording has
Description corrupt panorama image - ignored
Meaning Panorama image information
acquisition failed.
Description stream buffer overflowed (W230)
Meaning The image buffer for the stream
recording overflowed and images were
Description %1 unusual request[%2] (B101)
%1 Client host’s IP address
%2 Unusual type (400 | 404)
Meaning Refused due to command error (400)
and parameter error (404).
Description %1 request denied[%2] (B102)
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Denial type (41 | 43 | ...)
Meaning Client connection was denied due to
an authentication error (41), time
specification error (42), insufficient
resource (43), specification of
unsupported codec (45), specification
of unpermitted user level (47), too
many clients (49) or invalid operation
mode (4a).
Countermeasure 41: Check user name, password or
user list used when connecting.
42: Check playtime or maximum
connection time settings used when
43: Reconnect or restart.
45: Use supported client software.
47: Check user level used when
49: Check client number settings.
4a: Check if usage of audio server is
Description %1 access denied[%2] (B103)
%1 Client host IP address
%2 Denial type (41 | 42 | 4a)
Meaning Connection was initially permitted, but
the setting has subsequently been
changed to prohibit access, thereby
triggering a forced disconnection (the
denial type is the same with B102).
Description cannot notify %1 event [%2] (B201)
%1 Event type (ald)
%2 Error number
Meaning Failed to notify event.