User Manual

Canon model VB-S900F A&E Specifications
OWNER / November 22, 2013 28 23 00 - 5 Video Surveillance System
received and installed. System Documentation shall be available for inspection by
OWNER Project Manager on a daily basis.
3. Upon completion of Work, and prior to final Acceptance, Contractor shall prepare and
submit to OWNER Project Manager two (2) sets of System Documentation.
G. Closeout Submittals
1. Provide a set of as -built drawings and manuals to the OWNER Project Manager
a. As-Built Drawings
b. Mounting Details
c. Product Data
d. Installation Manuals
e. Operating Manuals
f. Maintenance/Service Manuals with scheduled times for service/maintenance.
2. Provide the OWNER Project Manager- with all programming sheets, keys to the
equipment cabinets, as-built drawings, operating manuals, maintenance/repair manuals,
spare fuses, all programming sheets and keys to the equipment cabinets, tools for tamper-
resistant enclosures and tools for manual resetting devices.
A. Qualifications
1. Qualifications of Contractor
a. Contractor shall be an installation and service contractor regularly engaged in the
sale, installation, maintenance and service of video surveillance systems.
b. Contractor shall have five (5) years experience with the installation, start-up and
programming of systems of a similar size and complexity to the one proposed.
c. Contractor shall be a factory authorized dealer of the system proposed for at least
two (2) years.
d. Contractor shall submit the names and phone numbers of customers for at least three
(3) other projects of similar size and complexity using similar technologies.
2. Supervision of Work
a. Contractor shall employ a competent Foreman to be in responsible charge of the
Work. Foreman shall be on the project site daily during the execution of the Work.
b. Contractor’s Foreman shall be a regular employee, principle, or officer of
Contractor, who is thoroughly experienced in projects of a similar size and type.
Contractor shall not use contract employees or Subcontractors as Foremen.
3. Qualifications of Technicians
a. All electronic systems Work shall be performed by electronic technicians thoroughly
trained in the installation and service of specialty low-voltage electronic systems.
b. Journeyman Wireman electrical workers may be used to install conduit, raceways,
wiring, and the like, provided that final termination, hook-up, programming, and
testing is performed by a qualified electronic technician, and that all such Work is
supervised by the Contractor’s Foreman.
c. All incidental Work, such as cutting and patching, lock hardware installation,
painting, carpentry, and the like, shall be accomplished by skilled craftspersons
regularly engaged in such type of work. All such Work shall comply with the
highest standards applicable to that respective industry or craft.
d. All 120 VAC power wiring and connections are to be performed by a qualified
Journeyman Wireman, licensed to perform such Work in the local of OWNER.
4. Qualifications of Subcontractors