Camcorder User Manual

Bottom view
@ Tripod socket (_ 195)
@ BATTERY RELEASE switch (_ 23)
@ Dioptric adjustment lever* (_ 28)
* _ only.
J0 START/STOP button (_142, 59)
:2) {,FE:]5(index selection) button (_ 53)
Press and hold for more than 2
seconds to switch between shooting
and playback mode.
_) MENU button (l_[_133, 156)
r4) DISR (onscreen display} button
(_ 97)
_sbSET button
@ (stop) button ([._ 49)
:_) PHOTO button (_ 42,108)
8_ Zoom buttons ([_ 46)
Jq_,Navigation buttons ( I/V/4/ll_ )
_t¢ I_/11 (play/pause) button ([._ 49)
Introduction * 21