User`s manual

Starting the Administrative Viewer
In the same way as the ordinary users views video, the manager viewer in the camera server
can be used to view the camera video and to adjust the camera presets and video.
The manager viewer can also be used to control the camera when ordinary users are
forbidden to control the camera.
Switch on the connected camera and the computer on which the camera server is
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Delete] and log in as an Administrator.
The Windows NT startup screen appears.
From the [Start] menu, select [Programs]-[WebView Livescope]-[Camera Server
The WebView Livescope manager screen appears.
Click the [Administrative Viewer] button.
The administrative viewer screen appears.
* Refer to the "Viewer User's Manual" for information on using the viewer.
The manager viewer window is used to display video
and control the camera. Click the [Start Control]
button to be granted control privileges.
If you click the
[Panorama window]
button, a panorama
image is displayed in
a new window. The
camera can be
panned, tilted and zoomed by moving and changing
the shape of the on-screen rectangle.
To display a panorama image, the panorama image
must be photographed and stored (see P.42).
Administrator's Privileges
The administrative viewer has the following special privileges not available
to ordinary viewers:
The administrative viewer has unlimited video connection time. After
completing the setup, you should quit the manager viewer.
When the administrative viewer acquires camera control privileges, it
forcibly retains continued camera control even when a request for camera
control privileges is received from an ordinary user. After completing
camera server setup, you must quit the administrative viewer.
Alternatively, you can click the control privileges button in the
administrative viewer again to relinquish control privileges.
When a view restrictions has been set on the camera server, the
administrative viewer can control the camera beyond the specified field of
view. However, during setup, note that ordinary viewers can also view the
areas outside the specified field of view.