User`s manual

"Access Ranking" Analysis
This option tabulates and displays data showing which users or domains have accessed the
system and the frequency of access by those users or domains. The information can be
displayed in graph, table or CSV format.
Click the [Access Ranking] button.
The window for setting the "Ranking" analysis
conditions appears.
- "Output Form" Select graph, table or CSV as
the display format.
- "Target Period" Select the entire period for
which the access logs have been collected or
the period you want to view.
- "Items" Tick the checkboxes for the desired
viewer types used by clients to access the
server (multiple types can be selected).
- "Target" Select whether the data is displayed
by IP Address or by Host Name.
- "Output Number" Specify 20, 50, 100 or 200
as the number of records displayed.
After you have selected the settings, click the
[Start] button.
Selecting the Settings
If you select "Host name" as the "Target"
option, the host names are obtained by
working back to extract the DNS from the IP
address. For some IP addresses, this
procedure can be very time-consuming. The
progress is displayed during this extraction
procedure and the process can be cancelled
by clicking the [Stop] button.