User`s manual

Access Log Analysis Tools
Graph format
CSV format
This format shows the hourly shifts in the number
of concurrent connections for the specified date.
The upper chart shows the number of concurrent
connections for HTTP clients (Java viewers or
helper viewers connected via HTTP), and the
lower chart shows the number of concurrent
connections for TCP clients (helper viewers
connected via TCP).
You can use the selection box below the graphs to
change the display settings along the time axis. You
can also select any of the following 3 levels for the
time axis display.
outline: Shows 1 day (24 hours).
normal: Shows roughly 3 hours. The scroll bar can be used to shift the time axis.
Detail: Shows roughly 1 hour. The scroll bar can be used to shift the time axis.
Using the Access Log Analysis Tools
Sample Displays
This format analyzes the hourly shifts in the
number of concurrent connections for the
specified date and automatically downloads the
analysis as a CSV file.
(The sample screen shown is from Internet
Explorer + Microsoft Excel. See P.74.)