User`s manual

Using the Helper Viewer to Send Information
This section describes how to use the helper viewer to supply video images and provides examples
of applications.
If the client is using the helper viewer to receive video images, the person sending the video images
must set up the web server and create wvh files.
Setting Up the Web Server
This section describes how to set up a web server that will save web pages for data
transmission. This consists of adding the MIME type to the web server software and setting
the file extensions. For more information, refer to your web server software manual.
MIME type video/x-webview-h
Extension wvh
Using Apache
To add the MIME map setting to Apache, edit the mime.types file in the conf folder.
Use the following syntax to add the required MIME type to the computer:
type/subtype extension
The setting for WebView Livescope is as follows:
video/x-webview-h wvh
Using Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) Ver. 3.0
To add the MIME map setting to IIS, start up the registry editor (Regedt32.exe) and
open the following registry key:
Use the following syntax to add the required MIME type to WebView Livescope:
<mime type>,<filename extension>,<unused parameter>,<gopher type>
The setting (value names) for WebView Livescope are as follows:
* Do not insert any character strings (value content) related to the values.