User manual

1.3 Camera Setup
If you plan on using a wireless image transmitter, ITP offers an assisted
configuration system to help with that setup process. To do this, double click
on the ITP tray icon to launch the Control Centre. When the window is open,
enter your wireless network settings into the blue section - the remainder of
the settings should be automatically filled in by the system. Once complete,
click the appropriate configure... link (depending on the type of transmitter
you are using) in the green section and you will be stepped through the
process of loading these settings into the camera. If all goes as expected,
this process should result in your transmitter being properly set up and
able to transmit images to the server. If there is a problem, please go to
the troubleshooting section of this manual (Appendix A) to track down the
The control centre offers the core configuration options, masking the more
complex options to simplify the process - however when you need more so-
phisticated control over the settings you can use the dedicated camera con-
figuration dialog. To do this, right click on the ITP tray icon and select
Configure Camera (see section 3.2 for more information). This interface
offers direct access to the full suite of configuration options as well as the
ability to manage multiple profiles. It is recommended that you only use this
if you absolutely need access to settings not available in the control centre,
as the more complex dialog makes it easier to make a mistake in the setup.