User manual

Figure 2.1: The control centre allows users to quickly access the core functions of
ITP, including the ability to configure wireless image transmitters.
The red section covers the core settings for ITP server and allows
reconfiguration of the main settings you may wish to manipulate. These
features include:
The Adapter field allows you to select the network adapter that
you would like to use for receiving images. When modified, several
other fields in the window will be updated to ensure that they are
compatible with your adapter selection.
The IP Address field allows you to select from the list of ad-
dresses assigned to the selected adapter. Since ITP creates an
additional address on your selected network adapter, this allows
you to choose whether you would like to use that address or the
one assigned by your network.
The Username field allows you to select the user account that will
be used by cameras configured by the control centre. Its selection
does not effect the operation of the server.
The Edit User link allows you to quickly edit the selected user
account. You can modify the username and password, as well as
optionally generate a strong randomized password.