User manual

The blue section specifies the wireless network settings that will be
used by the transmitter. It is important to note that these settings
are not automatically retrieved and must be manually specified by the
user. For more detailed discussion about wireless settings, please see
Appendix B.
The SSID field allows you to specify the name of the network the
camera is connecting to. The computer must be set to connect to
the same network for the two to communicate. Note that this field
is case sensitive and whitespace characters (eg spaces) do count.
The Network Type field is used to select what type of WiFi
network to which you will be connecting. Ad-Hoc networks are
used to communicate directly between the camera and computer,
whereas Infrastructure networks are used to communicate using an
existing wireless network (ie one based around an access point/wireless
router/base station).
The Channel field is used to specify the frequency that the net-
work will operate on. Note that this is only required for ad-hoc
networks as it will automatically be discovered for infrastructure
The Encryption Mode field allows you to select the type of
encryption you are using on the network. When enabled, all data
travelling over the network will be encrypted so that other parties
cannot gain access to it. Note, however, that encryption does add
extra overheads and can slow down the transfer rate of images.
The Encryption Key field is used to specify the key used to
gain access to an encrypted network. This must be identical on
all devices connected to the network for it to function correctly.
Note that if encryption is disabled, this field will b e greyed out.
The grey section provides access to the various methods of reviewing
the images received by the ITP server. These are the same functions
available in the tray menu, however they are placed in this location for
your convenience.
The Show Slideshow link launches a dialog to configure and
start a slideshow of the images received by the server. See section
4.5 for more details on this feature.