User manual

The wireless adapter list allows you to select the network adapter
that you would like ITP to extract network settings from. The other
fields will automatically be filled in by ITP using this adapter’s setup
so make sure to select the correct one.
The remaining fields control the parameters that will be placed in the
configuration file and uploaded to the camera. As noted above, please hover
your mouse over these controls to get detailed descriptions of what they
mean. In general, the first tab is the only one that you will need to modify,
as ITP will fill out the fields on the other two tabs automatically to reduce
potential errors.
3.3 Configure Adapter
If you install a new network adapter or would like to use a different one for
your wireless transmitter, you may want to change the adapter managed by
ITP. In addition to assisting in the configuration process, this system also au-
tomatically links a virtual IP address to the adapter to save you from having
to change your TCP/IP settings - this address is added alongside your exist-
ing settings, so that it will not interfere with other network activities. You
can access this by right clicking on ITP and selecting ’Configure Adapter’.
Simply select the desired adapter from the list and click Save to modify the
settings - this will be reflected immediately and no other actions are nec-
essary. In addition to this, the dialog allows you to enable or disable the
built-in DHCP server - this isn’t necessary for most setups, however if you
are using the in-camera interface it can simplify the process so it is enabled
by default.
If you are using the Professional edition of ITP, there is an additional
link called ’Configure other adapters’. This allows you to configure more
than one adapter to be managed by ITP - not a task that most users will
need, however it can be helpful for some advanced configurations. Please use
the context sensitive help for more information on the settings available here
as they are beyond the scope of this manual.