User manual

When checked ’Automatically begin synchronization’ will not pop
up this dialog when this card is reinserted into the computer - the
settings that are currently dialed in will then be automatically applied
every time the card is inserted. As such, once you have configured
a card for use by the synchronization system and checked this option
synchronization will begin the moment that the card is inserted.
Finally, the ’Provide acoustic feedback’ option toggles whether ITP
will beep the computer’s speakers when the synchronization process
starts and ends. ITP always provides visual indicators of the syn-
chronization process, however this allows a user without access to the
computer screen to insert the card and know when it has finished -
thus allowing photographers to quickly insert cards, wait for the files
to be transferred and then remove the card without ever logging onto
the computer.
When you have selected the settings that you would like, simply click the
Synchronize button and the system will begin the synchronization process.
Clicking the Save Settings button will save the selected settings to the card,
but not initiate the synchronization process at this time - this allows you to
set up the card for future use after simply inserting the card. Naturally, you
can also select the Cancel button to ignore the card and allow you to use it
in whatever other capacity you would like.
4.3 Live Image Review
This is a powerful feature that allows photographers to make the most of
their wireless transmitter(s) while working in a collaborative environment.
The live image review feature permits viewing of incoming images as soon as
they have been uploaded to the server. This allows clients, art directors and
assistants to see your images as you are shooting them - pictures are sized
to fit the screen so that users can take full advantage of the high-resolution
display. Users can also move back and forth through the images that have
already been received, as well as zoom in and activate a number of analysis
modes to speed up the review process. For users with multiple monitors, the
system also allows you to select the monitor that you would like to use to
review images so that you can continue using other programs on the other