User manual

Highlight Mode
False Colour Mode
Blown Highlight Mode
Shadow Mode
Figure 4.2: ITP’s live image review system can operate in a number of analysis
modes. This diagram shows the effect produced by each of these modes
on a sample image.
Similarly, the shadows mode (S) emphasizes the detail contained in
the shadow regions of the image by expanding the lower values across
the entire range of the monitor’s display. This allows you to quickly
see the effects of noise on the image and how much detail is present in
the deep shadows.
Finally, the false colours mode (F) activates a special analysis func-
tion that recolours the image based on the exposure values at each pixel.
Extreme shadows are shown in blue, extreme highlights are shown in a
scale from yellow to red (red being fully saturated, yellow being on the
threshold, etc.). Pixels within the nominal region are shown in pure
green. As such, this mode allows you to see the distribution of light
levels across your image and see exactly where exposure problems may
occur - unlike a histogram, it provides context to the data and allows
you to determine if the at-risk areas are important or not. This system
allows a photographer to quickly glance at their studio monitor, deter-
mine exactly how their current exposure will effect the final image and
immediately make any necessary adjustments.