User manual

Each of these steps control a different aspect of the processing chain. The
two entries in the RAW column will be applied on any NEF/CRW/CR2/etc.
images received from the camera - these are separated from the JPEG work-
flow to allow you to trigger separate raw conversion operations prior to pro-
cessing the image. The convert step is applied to the received file and the
process step is then applied to the results of the conversion. If you don’t
need both steps, you can simply leave the ’process the image with the
following program’ box unchecked for the second step. The JPEG work-
flow is designed with only one step used to process the image itself. Using
these three combined processes, ITP allows you to configure the server to
handle a wide variety of shooting situations and pro cess images in the most
efficient way possible.
In addition to the above fields, there are also two additional dropdowns
that control the behaviour of the slideshow and live preview systems. When
actions are being applied to incoming images you may want to have the
slideshow display the results of these processing steps instead of the original
file - these fields allow you to do that. Since the manner in which RAW and
JPEG images are processed is slightly different, the options provided for each
vary. The add to preview/slideshow dropdown for RAW images provides
the following options:
The none option excludes all RAW files from these display modes.
The review/slideshow engine is not capable of converting RAW files
to useful image data on its own, so unless the actions system provides
conversion they cannot be displayed on screen.
The result of step 2 option will display the image resulting from
the second action applied to the image. The server will wait for this
processing to be completed and add the resulting image file to the
slideshow/review screen. This allows you to examine/display the re-
sults of all of your automated pro cessing and avoid the premature dis-
play of unfinished images.
The result of step 1 option allows you to have ITP display the results
of step one. The step two processing is still completed, however it will
not effect the image displayed on screen. Use this option if the second
step p erforms actions that may degrade the quality of the displayed
image (such as making a small web-ready image).