User manual

Chapter 5
Using Actions
The actions subsystem is a very powerful tool and can enable significant
improvements in the efficiency of digital imaging workflows. Combined with
a wireless transmitter, ITP can trigger repetitive processing tasks to occur in
parallel with your photography. While you are still busy taking pictures, your
computer can begin the process of preparing your image files and completing
various tasks that would otherwise consume your time. When you return
to your workstation after the shoot is complete, much of the necessary work
will have been completed for you thus allowing you to get right down to the
work that requires your attention. For many photographers this can add up
to significant time savings thus allowing you to spend more time behind the
lens, and less in front of a computer.
That power adds some complexity and hence requires some effort to set up
the system in the manner that you would like it to operate. Since this system
uses external programs to perform some of the processing, it also requires a
thorough understanding of the scripting capabilities of other packages such
as Adobe Photoshop
. This chapter covers the details of the actions sys-
tem so that you can fully understand what needs to be done at each stage in
the process to get the most out of this system. Equipped with this informa-
tion, you should be able to successfully harness the potential of the actions
system and accelerate your photographic workflow.
Please note that ITP’s actions system is designed to trigger external pro-
grams and does not perform any processing on its own. In order for this fea-
ture to work you must have third party image processing software installed
on the computer running ITP.