User manual

Appendix A
While ITP is designed to be as easy to use as possible, the setup of current
generation wireless transmitters can sometimes be complex. As such, there
are a number of things that can go wrong and you may not be able to
get things up and running the first time out. While this document cannot
attempt to cover all potential issues, we have selected a number of common
scenarios that you may run into. This chapter is intended to be a reference
for situations in which you are experiencing problems - if you are up and
running you can safely skip the remainder of this section.
A.1 Trouble Connecting
If your camera is having trouble connecting your transmitter to the server,
there are a few common issues that can cause this and should be eliminated
before moving ahead. The main issue (especially for those using Windows XP
Service Pack 2) is the presence of a software firewall on the computer hosting
ITP. Most firewalls block all incoming traffic that was not requested by the
host machine - unfortunately, the FTP connection the camera is attempting
to make with your computer is such a connection and will often be blocked.
If this is the case, you must make an exception to the firewall to allow ITP to
accept incoming connections - if the firewall allows you to do this on a per-
program basis, add an exclusion for itp.exe (by default this will be located
in C:\Program Files\itp\). If it does not, you can simply add an exception
to allow FTP traffic through to the server by opening TCP port 21. If you