User manual

your laptop’s battery power and be easily carried with you. Since the access
point function is present, the camera can operate in infrastructure mode and
transmit images at its full speed. In addition, these devices can make the
configuration process much simpler since infrastructure networks tend to be
more stable and easier to set up.
A.6 Requesting Support
In the case that after following the above steps you are still having trouble
registered users may contact us for support. You can do this by selecting the
support request item in the ITP tray icon. In addition to automatically
sending your support request to our servers so that we may help you, it also
compiles your current settings and information about your network settings
into the request. This allows us to examine your setup and hopefully spot
potential problems with the way that things are configured - thus providing
us with the ability to provide more meaningful responses in a shorter period
of time. For your privacy, all passwords used in ITP will be automatically
obfuscated prior to being added to the transmitted request. If desired, you
may look over the data that will be transmitted by clicking the details link
at the bottom right of the window.
Once we have received your request, our support personnel will analyze
the request and your configuration in order to offer you suggestions on how
to remedy any issues that you are experiencing. Any further exchanges can
be handled either via email or the support request subsystem. If desired
you may also send support requests directly to,
however your settings will not be transmitted with the request so it may be
more difficult to address your problems. This new feature has proven very
effective in our testing and should allow us to help people experiencing setup
problems at a much faster pace than before - allowing you to get up and
running sooner and allowing us to help a larger number of people.