User manual

This is a computer-to-computer... - This box selects whether or
not you are creating an ad-hoc network. In this case, we want to check
this box as we do want to create an ad-hoc network.
Figure B.3: This dialog allows you to create a new ad-hoc network on your com-
puter’s wireless adapter.
Once you have entered these values, click the OK button to commit
these settings and create the new network. When you are returned to the
previous dialog, click the Advanced button to access the advanced wireless
settings. In the resulting dialog (fig. B.4), set the Networks to access
section to Computer-to-computer (ad hoc) networks only and uncheck
the Automatically connect to non-preferred networks. When you click
the close button your laptop should remain connected to the new network
and you can begin to use it as desired.