User manual

D.3 Advanced Settings
If you are using the professional version of ITP, you can also click the config-
ure other adapters link at the bottom of the configure adapters dialog
(see figure 3.3). The resulting dialog (shown in figure D.1) you to manually
configure the virtual address settings for the primary adapter as well as any
secondary adapters if desired. Please note that this is a system designed for
advanced users and should only be used if you know exactly what you are
doing. Also remember that this dialog does not adjust the primary settings
on the adapter, but simply provides a virtual address added along with those
The select adapter dropdown allows you to select the network adapter
that you would like to configure. In order to manage the selected adapter,
check the manage this adapter checkbox and the rest of the controls in
the dialog will be activated. Enter the TCP/IP settings that you would like
to use and select apply to commit the settings. If you are unsure about
what settings to use in these fields, simply click the auto configure button
and workable values will automatically be placed in the fields. If you would
like to manage another adapter, simply select it from the list and repeat the
steps above as desired.