
WITE32 Release Notes Version 3.20
The Save Zone/Setup
Saves zone setup parameters of the PRML chip to the WITE32
The Load Registers from File
Loads register values from the file, created by the Save Registers to
File command.
The Save Registers to File
Saves current register values to a file.
The Compare Registers with
File command
Compares current register values with the register values saved in
the file, created by the Save Registers to File command.
The Print Adaptive Tracking
Graph command
Prints the Adaptive Tracking graph on the Adaptives tab.
The Print Bit Field Sweep
Graph command
Prints the Bit Field Sweep graph on the Metric tab.
The Close command Closes the Chip Config dialog box.
The Actions pull-down menu includes the following commands:
The Find Register command Opens the Find Bit Field dialog box (see section 3.5.4).
The Default Registers
Loads to the chip default values of all bit-fields. These values are
specified in the chip driver
The Refresh Registers
Reads all registers from the chip and updates the bit-field values.
The Reset Adaptives
Reloads the recent values of the registers selected on the Adaptives
tab to the chip (see section
The Set Adaptives to Average
Loads the average values of the registers selected on the Adaptives
tab to the chip (see section
The Read Operation
Performs the read operation for the number of sectors specified in
the Sector to Read text box on the Adaptives tab and updates
the Adaptive Tracking graph (see section
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