
WITE32 Release Notes Version 3.20
2. A new step is added to the Y-Screw Limit Adjustment procedure (see Figure 18). The new step Moving Y-
Stage From Spindle helps you to move the Y-stage manually away from the spindle and do not hit the
sensors limiting the stage movement. If the Y-stage touches any one of these sensors, the spinstand is not
able to perform a reset. The step is the last one in the procedure. The Y-Screw Limit Adjustment test does
not finish the alignment unless the Y-stage position allows the spinstand perform the reset.
Figure 18: New Step of Y-Limit Adjustment Procedure (Moving Y-Stage From Spindle)
4.1.3 Spinstand Parameters Dialog Box
The spindle type Custom in the Spinstand Parameters dialog box of V2002 spinstand is renamed to
None/Custom. This spindle type allows you to work without any spindle or with the spindle controlled
4.1.4 Product Parameters Dialog Box
Starting from the WITE32 version 3.20:
1. WDCP2002 allows opening the file V2002.DDT (spinstand product parameters) in Edit Mode. To open the
DDT file in the Edit Mode you need to start WDCP2002 as a stand-alone application, press the Load button
to select and load the file, and press the Edit Product Parameters button to open the Product Parameters
dialog box, where you can modify this file. To save the changes made to the DDT file press the OK button
in the Product Parameters dialog box.
Guzik Technical Enterprises 43