
WITE32 Release Notes Version 3.20
4.1.6 Micro Actuators Tab in V2002 Product Parameters Dialog Box
In order to clarify the meaning of the micro actuator parameters, the Micro Actuators configuration tab is
redesigned. In addition to the previously available controls, it contains the micro actuator connection diagram
and two new text boxes.
Figure 20: Micro Actuator Parameters in the V2002 Product Parameters Dialog Box
The parameters of the CCW and CW micro actuators can be configured independently. The Micro Actuator
configuration controls are grouped inside two frames – CCW Micro Actuator Parameters and CW Micro
Actuator Parameters.
The following parameters are configured for each actuator:
The Use Configuration File check box, when checked, indicates that a configuration file for corresponding
Micro Actuator exists and product parameters file (V2002.DDT) contains a reference to the file. When the
Use Configuration File checkbox is not checked, it means that product configuration file does not have a
reference to a Micro Actuator configuration file and support for Micro Actuator is disabled.
The read-only Configuration File Name text box shows the name of the corresponding Micro Actuator file
in the current product folder. You cannot modify the name of the file; it is shown for your reference only.
The Device combo box enables or disables the hardware control of the Micro Actuator for the current
product configuration. If you choose to disable the device, the hardware will not apply voltage to the Micro
Actuator when the spinstand is started, and therefore the Micro Actuator tests will not be available.
The Displacement Range text box specifies expected peak-to-peak displacement range of the micro actuator.
This value is needed in the Micro Actuator Frequency Response test. Please specify an approximate range in
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