
WITE32 Release Notes Version 3.20
4.3 Guzik 1701 Spinstand Family
The following modifications were implemented for Guzik 1701A+ and 1701B spinstands:
Spindle Rotation Direction Warning on 1701A+ (see Section 4.3.1)
Disabling Linear Scale Correction for Guzik 1701B Spinstand (see Section 4.3.2)
4.3.1 Spindle Rotation Direction Warning on 1701A+
If the direction of the spindle rotation, specified in the Spinstand Parameters dialog box of the Spinstand
Alignment Program (WDCP), does not correspond to the direction of the rotation, specified in the Product
Parameters dialog box, the error message “Direction of rotation specified in setup Spinstand Parameters doesn't
correspond to direction of rotation specified in setup Product Parameters” appears after you press the Start
Device button.
4.3.2 Disabling Linear Scale Correction for Guzik 1701B Spinstand
To disable the Linear Scale Correction feature, a new Disable button is added to the Scale Correction test
configuration setup:
Figure 26: New Button to Disable Scale Correction
This button, if pressed, disables the Scale Correction and the following prompt message shows up. The message
is closed automatically after Spinstand resets.
Figure 27: Information Message after Disabling the Scale Correction
4.4 2 MFlux/s Lower Limit of System Frequency for RWA 2000 Series
The WITE32 version 3.20 supports new lower limit of the system frequency for RWA-2000 series. The new
limit is 2 MFlux/s or 500 nsec for bit cell period instead of 10 MFlux/s in the previous revisions of WITE32.
This new limit is applicable for all testers of RWA-2000 series regardless of their hardware options.
Guzik Technical Enterprises 51